Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our goal for this film was to have a narrative structure to take you inside the mind of a man who must make a decision between the love of his life (cheese steaks) or his girlfriend. We wanted to make it a comedy, simply on the fact that the idea itself is a little quirky. Knowing that we only had one class period to shoot, we thought this would be the best concept. We didn’t have to deal with location changes. We kept our shots quite simple, consisting of POV shots and medium close ups. All of the audio was put in during postproduction, the narrative section and even the conversation between the couple. Since the microphones were so bad and it didn’t pick up the conversation very well, we rerecorded the conversation through garage band, and then we added in city noise to make it sound less studio quality. I think the technical choices helped out the video greatly since no one seemed to notice the difference in the audio of the conversation.

The postproduction became a bit of a challenge for us. Once we began editing we didn’t think we had enough footage to make the video three minutes. The narrative segment of the film is only about a minute and a half so we had to bring in more footage to set up a story structure instead of jumping straight into the narrative jokes. Overall we received good feedback from our peers, they seemed to have enjoyed it and laughed at a number of the jokes. I think the video would have come out slightly better if we were able to use a tripod for some of our shots but other than that for the amount of time we had, it was a successful shoot!

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